AALC Amphibious Assault Landing Craft
AB Crane Ship (Auxiliary, Boom)
ABSD Advanced Base Sectional Dock
AC Collier (Auxiliary, Coal)
ACR Armored Cruiser
ACS Auxiliary Crane Ship
AD Destroyer Tender (Auxiliary, Destroyer)
ADG De-gaussing ship (Auxiliary, DeGaussing)
ADS Air Defence Ship
AE Ammunition ship (Auxiliary, Explosives)
AF Stores Ship (Auxiliary, Freight)
AFDB Floating Drydock, Large (Auxiliary, Floating Drydock, Big)
AFDL Floating Drydock, Small (Auxiliary, Floating Drydock, Light)
AFDM Floating Drydock, Medium (Auxiliary, Floating Drydock, medium)
AFS Combat Stores Ship (Auxiliary, Freight, Stores)
AG General Auxiliary (Auxiliary, General)
AGB Icebreaker (Auxiliary, General, Icebreaker)
AGC Command Ship (Auxiliary, General, Command)
AGDE Destroyer Escort Research ship (Auxiliary, General, Destroyer Escort)
AGEH Hydrofoil Research Ship (Auxiliary, General, Experimental, Hydrofoil)
AGER Environmental Research Ship (Auxiliary, General, Environmental Research)
AGF Amphibious Force Command Ship (Auxiliary, General, Force command)
AGI Intellligence Collector ship (Auxiliary, General, Intelligence)
AGM Missile Range Instrumentation ship (Auxiliary, General, Missile)
AGOS Ocean Surveillance ship (Auxiliary, General, Ocean Surveillance)
AGP Motor Torpedo Boat Tender
AGR Radar Picket Ship (Auxiliary, General, Radar)
AGRM Major Communications Relay Ship (Auxiliary, General, Relay, Major communications)
AGS Survey Ship (Auxiliary, General, Survey)
AGTR Technical Re Ship (Auxiliary, General, Technical Re)
AH Hospital Ship (Auxiliary, Hospital)
AHTS Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessel
AK Cargo Ship (Auxiliary, Kargo)
AKA Attack Cargo Ship (Auxiiliary, Kargo, Attack)
AKD Dock Cargo Ship (Auxiliary, Kargo, Dock)
AKL Light Cargo Ship (Auxiliary, Kargo, Light)
AKR Roll-on/Roll-off Cargo Ship (Auxiliary, Kargo, Roll-on)
AKV Aircraft Ferry (Auxiliary, Kargo, heaVier-than-air aircraft)
AM Minelayer (Auxiliary, Minelayer)
AMC Coastal Minesweeper (Auxiliary, Minesweeper, Coastal)
AMC Armed Merchant Cruiser ‘Armed Merchant Cruiser’
AMS Minesweeper (Auxiliary, MineSweeper)
AN Netlayer (Auxiliary, Netlayer)
ANL Netlayer ship (Auxiliary, NetLayer)
AO Fleet Oiler (Auxiliary, Oiler)
AOE Fast Combat Support Ship (Auxiliary, Oiler, Explosives)
AOG Gasolene Oiler (Auxiliary, Oiler, Gasolene)
AOR Replenishment Oiler (Auxiliary, Oiler, Replenishment)
AP Transport (Auxiliary, Personnel)
APA Attack Transport (Auxiliary, Personnel, Attack)
APB Barracks ship (Auxiliary, Personnel, Barracks)
APC Coastal Transport (Auxiliary, Personnel, Coastal)
APD Auxiliary, Personnel, Destroyer (fast transport)
APH Hospital Transport (Auxiliary, Personnel, Hospital)
APS Afloat Pre-positioning Ship
AR Repair ship (Auxiliary, Repair)
ARB Battle Damage Repair ship (Auxiliary, Repair, Battle damage)
ARC Cable Repair Ship (Auxiliary, Repair, Cable)
ARD Auxiliary, Repair, Dry dock
ARG Internal Combustion Engine Repair Ship (Auxiliary, Repair, Gasoline engine)
ARL Landing Craft Repair Ship (Auxiliary, Repair, Landing)
ARS Salvage Ship (Auxiliary, Repair, Salvage)
ARSD Salvage Lifting Ship (Auxiliary, Repair, Salvage, Dock)
ARST Salvage Craft Tender (Auxiliary, Repair, Salvage, Tender)
ARV Aircraft Repair Ship (Auxiliary, Repair, heaVier-than-air aircraft)
ARVA Aircraft Repair Ship, Airframe (Auxiliary, Repair, heaVier-than-air aircraft, Airframe)
ARVE Aircraft Repair Ship, Engine (Auxiliary, Repair, heaVier-than-air aircraft, Engine)
ARVH Aircraft Repair Ship, Helicopter (Auxiliary, Repair, heaVier-than-air aircraft, Helicopter)
AS Submarine Tender (Auxiliary, Submarine)
ASPB Assault Support Patrol Boat
ASR Submarine Rescue Ship (Auxiliary, Submarine, Rescue)
AT Tug (Auxiliary, Tug)
ATA Auxiliary Ocean Tug (Auxiliary, Tug, Auxiliary)
ATB Automated Torpedo Boat
ATC Armored Troop Carrier
ATF Fleet Tug (Auxiliary, Tug, Fleet)
ATO Ocean Tug (Auxiliary, Tug, Ocean)
ATS Salvage Tug (Auxiliary, Tug, Salvage)
AV Seaplane Tender (Auxiliary, heaVier-than-air)
AVD Destroyer Seaplane Tender (Auxiliary, heaVier-than-air, Destroyer)
AVP Small Seaplane Tender (Auxiliary, heaVier-than-air, Personnel)
AVT Training Aircraft Carrier (Auxiliary, heaVier-than-air, Training)
AW Water Distilling ship (Auxiliary, Water)
AZ Airship Tender (Auxiliary, Zeppelin)
BB Battleship
BB-60 USS Alabama
BBG Guided Missile Battleship
BBQE Battleship, Queen Elizabeth class
BGS Big Gray Ship
BM Monitor (Battleship type, Monitor sub-type)
BU Broken Up (scrapped)
C Canoe
CA Heavy Cruiser (Cruiser, Armored)
CAG Guided-missile Heavy Cruiser
CB Battle Cruiser (Cruiser, Battle)
CC BattleCruiser (1920)
CC Command Cruiser (1960)
CCB Command and Control Boat
CF Flotilla Cruiser (Cruiser, destroyer Flotilla)
CFA Charles F. Adams (DDG-2 class guided missile destroyers)
CGN Guided-missile Cruiser, Nuclear powered
CH Helicopter-carrying Cruiser
CHI Coastal, Harbor, and Inland Waterway Boat
CL Light Cruiser
CLG Guided-missile Light Cruiser
CM Cruiser Minelayer
CMB Coastal Motor Boat
CS Scout Cruiser
CT Training Cruiser
CTR Cutter
CTS Cadet Training Ship
CV Aircraft Carrier (Carrier, heaVier-than-air aircraft)
CVA Attack Aircraft Carrier (Cruiser, heaVier-than-air aircraft, Attack)
CVAN Nuclear-powered Attack Aircraft Carrier (Carrier Vessel, Attack, Nuclear)
CVB Large Aircraft Carrier (Cruiser, heaVier-than-air, Big)
CVE Combustible, Vulnerable, and Expendable
CVE Escort Carrier (Cruiser, heaVier-than-air aircraft, Escort)
CVL Light Aircraft Carrier
CVN Nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier (Carrier Vessel, Nuclear)
CVS Anti-Submarine Aircraft Carrier (Cruiser, heaVier-than-air, anti-Submarine)
CVX Next Generation Aircraft Carrier
CZ Lighter-than-air Aircraft Carrier (Cruiser, Zeppelin)
D Destroyer
DDE Escort Destroyer
DDG Guided-Missile Destroyer
DDH Helicopter-carrying Destroyer (Destroyer, Destroyer, Helicopter)
DDK Hunter-Killer Destroyer
DDR Radar Picket Destroyer
DDX Destroyer, neXt generation
DE Destroyer Escort
DEG Destroyer Escort, Guided-missile
DER Destroyer Escort, Radar Picket
DFL Destroyer Flotilla Leader
DL Destroyer Leader
DLG Destroyer Leader, Guided missile
DM Destroyer Minelayer
DMS Destroyer Minesweeper
ERRV Emergency Rescue and Recovery Vessel
FCB Ferro-Concrete Barge
FDS Field Development Ship
FF Frigate (Frigate, Frigate)
FFG Guided-Missile Frigate (Frigate, Frigate, Guided-missile)
FFH Fast Frigate Helicopter
FRB Fast Rescue Boat
FSS Fast Sealift Ship
G Galleon
GAL Galleon
GOD Gallery Of Death
HIN Hull Identification Number HQS HeadQuarters Ship
IBS Inflatable Boat, Small
IBS Itty Bitty Ship (SEAL team)
ICST International Classification of Ships by Type
IFS Inshore Fire Support ship
INHS Indian Naval Hospital Ship
IX Unclassified Miscellaneous (class IX, or 9)
IXC Type IX-C U-Boat
KDX Korean Destroyer Experimental
KDX-II Korean Destroyer Experimental, version II
LAC Light Attack Craft
LASH Lighter Aboard SHip
LCA Landing Craft Assault
LCAC Landing Craft Air Cushion
LCC Landing Craft Command
LCF Landing Craft, Fire support
LCG Landing Craft Gunboat
LCH Landing Craft Hospital
LCI Landing Craft Infantry
LCI(G) Landing Craft Infantry (Gunboat)
LCL Landing Craft Logistics
LCL Landing Craft Large
LCM Landing Craft, Mechanized
LCP Landing Craft Personnel
LCP(R) Landing Craft Personnel, Ramp
LCR Landing Craft Ramp
LCS Landing Craft Support
LCS Landing Craft Small
LCT Landing Craft Tank
LCT(R) Landing Craft Tank (Rocket)
LCU Landing Craft Utility
LCV Landing Craft Vehicle
LCVP Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel
LFR Landing, Fire support, Rocket
LFS Landing Fire Support
LHA Landing Helicopter Assault
LHD Landing Helicopter Dock
LKA Landing Cargo Assault
LKR Landing Cargo Ramp
LPA Landing Personnel, Assault
LPD Landing Platform Dock
LPH Landing Platform Helicopter
LPR Landing Personnel Ramp
LPSS Transport Submarine (Landing, Personnel, Submarine, Submarine)
LSA Landing Ship Assault
LSD Landing Ship Dock
LSG Landing Ship, Gun
LSG Landing Ship, Gantry
LSH Landing Ship Hospital
LSI Landing Ship Infantry
LSL Landing Ship Logistics
LSL Landing Ship, Large
LSM Landing Ship Medium
LSR Landing Ship, Rocket
LSS Landing Ship Support
LST Landing Ship Tank
LST Large Slow Target
LSU Landing Ship Utility
LSV Landing Ship Vehicle
LV Landing Vehicle
LVA Landing Vehicle Assault
LVT Landing Vehicle Tracked
LVW Landing Vehicle, Wheeled
LWT Warping Tug (Landing, Warping, Tug)
M/S Motor Ship
MCM Mine Counter-Measures ship (Minesweeper)
MCMV Mine Counter-Measures Vessel
MCS Mine Countermeasures Ship
MFV Motor Fishing Vessel
MHA MineHunter, Auxiliary
MM Minelayer (Minecraft, Minelayer)
MMC Coastal Minelayer (Minecraft, Minelayer, Coastal)
MMD Destroyer Minelayer (Minecraft, Minelayer, Destroyer)
MMF Fleet Minelayer (Minecraft, Minelayer, Fleet)
MOW Man-O-War
MS MineSweeper
MSA MineSweeper, Auxiliary
MSB MineSweeping Boat
MSC MineSweeper, Coastal
MSCO MineSweeper, Coastal, Old
MSD MineSweeping Drone
MSF Fleet Minesweeper (MineSweeper, Fleet)
MSI MineSweeper, In-shore
MSL MineSweeping Launch
MSM MineSweeper, LCM conversion
MSO Ocean Minesweeper (MineSweeper, Ocean)
MSR River Minesweeper (MineSweeper, River)
MSS Special Minesweeper (MineSweeper, Special)
MSSB Mine-Sweeping Shrimp Boat
MTB Motor Torpedo Boat
N/S Nuclear Ship NMS
New Medical Ship NSSN
New Nuclear-powered Attack Submarine
OBB Old Battleship
OC Outrigger Canoe
OM Open Motorboat
OSV Offshore Supply Vessel
PACV Patrol, Air Cushion Vehicle PB Patrol Boat PBR River Patrol Boat (Patrol Boat, River) PC Patrol Craft PCE PPACV Patrol, Air Cushion Vehicle
PB Patrol Boat
PBR River Patrol Boat (Patrol Boat, River)
PC Patrol Craft
PCE Patrol Craft, Escort
PCER Patrol Craft Escort, Rescue
PCF Patrol Craft Fast
PCG Patrol Craft, Guided Missile
PCH Patrol Craft, Hydrofoil
PCM Patrol Craft, Missile
PCS Patrol Craft, anti-Submarine
PF Patrol Frigate
PGG Guided-missile Gunboat (Patrol, Gunboat, Guided-missile)
PGH Patrol Gunboat, Hydrofoil
PHM Patrol Hydrofoil Missile
PR River Gunboat (Patrol, River)
PSV Platform Supply Vessel
PT Torpedo Boat (Patrol, Torpedo)
PTF Fast Torpedo Boat (Patrol, Torpedo, Fast)
PTGB Torpedo GunBoat (Patrol, Torpedo, GunBoat)
RHIB Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat
RIBL Rigid Inflatable Boat, Light
RIBM Rigid Inflatable Boat, Medium
RIBS Rigid-hulled Inflatable Boat, Small
RMS Royal Mail Steamship
RPL Ramped Powered Lighter
S Schnellboot
S/M SubMarine
SB Small Boat
SC Submarine Chaser
SD Submarine Dutch
SES Surface Effect Ship
SFS Surface-Effect Fast Sealift Ship
SGB Steam GunBoat
SOB Single Outboard Boat
SOTL Ship Of The Line
SP Shore Patrol vessel
SS team Ship
SS Fleet Submarine (Submarine type, Submarine sub-type)
SSB Ballistic Missile Submarine, Conventional Powered
SSBN Ballistic Missile Nuclear Submarine (Submarine, Submarine, Ballistic, Nuclear)
SSG Guided Missile Submarine, Conventional Powered
SSGN Guided Missile Submarine, Nuclear Powered
SSK Hunter- Killer Submarine
SSN Submarine Submarine Nuclear ( Nuclear powered attack Submarine)
SSP Submarine Submarine Personnel ( Submarine Transport) SSS Strategic Sealift Ship
SST Training Submarine
SSV Aircraft Carrying Submarine (Submarine Submarine, heaVier than air aircraft)
SSX Next Generation Submarine
SV Sailing Vessel
SWATH Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull
T-ACS Auxiliary Crane Ship, Military Sealift Command manned
TB Torpedo Boat
TCD Transport de Chaland de Debarquement
TS Training Ship
TVB Torpedo Volg Boot (Torpedo following boat)
ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier
USAT United States Army Transport
USCGD United States Coast Guard Destroyer
USLT United States Lighthouse Tender
USNT United States Naval Transport
USS United States Ship
VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier
VPB Vietidse Patrol Boat
WAGC Coast Guard Amphibious Command Ship
WDE United States Coast Guard Destroyer Escort
WIX Coast Guard, Unclassified Miscellaneous ship type
WLB Seagoing Buoy Tender
WLB-401 Sassafras class Coast Guard Cutter Buoy Tender
WLBB Lake IceBreaker, Coast Guard (Coast Guard, Large Buoy Breaker)
WLBR Seagoing Buoy Tender Replacement Vessel
WLI Inland Buoy Tender
WLIC Inland Construction Buoy Tender
WLM Coastal Buoy Tender
WLMR Coastal Buoy Tender Replacement Vessel
WLR River Buoy Tender
WPG Coast Guard Patrol Gunboat
WSES Coast Guard Surface Effect Ship
YB Boom vessel (Yardcraft, Boom)
YC Open Car Lighter (Yardcraft, Car lighter)
YCF Car Float (Yardcraft, Car Float)
YCU Yard Craft, Utility
YD Floating Crane (Yardcraft, Derrick)
YDG Garbage Scow (Yardcraft, Disposal, Garbage)
YDT Diving Tender (Yardcraft, Diving Tender)
YF Yardcraft, Ferryboat (Self-Propelled)
YFD Yardcraft, Floating Drydock
YFN Yardcraft, Covered Lighter (Non-Self Propelled)
YFNX Yardcraft, Lighter (Special-Purpose)
YFR Yardcraft, Refrigerated Covered Lighter ( Self-Propelled)
YFRN Yardcraft, Refrigerated Covered Lighter ( Non-Self-Propelled)
YG Yardcraft, Garbage Lighter (Self-Propelled)
YGB Yard Icebreaker (Yardcraft, General, ice Breaker)
YGN Yard Craft, Garbage Lighter (Non-Self Propelled)
YN Yardcraft, Netlayer
YNG Yardcraft, Net, Gate vessel
YNS Yllennocian Naval Ship
YO Yard Oiler
YP Yard Patrol boat
YR Yard Repair
YSP Yard Salvage Pontoon
YT Yard Tug
YTB Yard Tug, Big
YTL Yard Tug, Small
YTM Yard Tug, Medium
YTT Yardcraft, Torpedo Testing barge
YW Yardcraft, Water barge